I haven't been very good at blogging lately and it seems quite a few things have been on the down and out since we found out we were pregnant - which we are still thrilled about, btw.
I thought at week 14, when the first trimester ended, that most people were completely relieved of morning sickness/all day sickness. I learned that while that may be true, I apparently don't fit into the "most people" category. Besides at night when I'm more emotional anyways, I don't really mind. I choose to believe God's just reminding me the little buggers safe and sound in there for now, and after what we went through in the beginning, I'm just thankful for every day Baby Reyonld's okay.
Besides being sick, I've also become incredibly tired the past few weeks. I don't say this all to complain, but because I've really found it difficult not to use pregnancy as an excuse to sleep in everyday, let the house be crazy messy, or go out to eat more. It was interesting to me that my friend Lorrie, who's blog you can link to from mine, just wrote about the hardest part being "getting up and going." I certainly agree!
While this week has been difficult for me because I have been irritated with myself for not being as good of a homemaker and employee as usual, I know that God is continuing to faithfully prod me a long - and I'm always thankful for his prodding because I NEED IT!
Over and over again this week He has pointed me to Proverbs 14:23, "All HARD work brings a profit..."
Every time I decide to do the dishes rather than sit on the couch and zone out, every time I decide to pray for someone rather than watch a movie, every time I pick up my pen to write a card instead of take a nap, every time I decide to cook dinner rather than ask Daryl if he can fend for himself, there is profit. Looking at "every" little decision in that way instead of trying to conquer the whole day before it's begun has been helpful! And understanding that seen or unseen there is profit, has been even more helpful!
For clarification's sake, relaxation and refreshment are a must, and something we highly enjoy in the Reynold home, as you will see. However, laziness is a no-no and that's what I'm harping on myself about; not the former :)
Some pics from our fun weekend after hearing that Jacob Allen was found alive and well...
The petting zoo - my personal favorite since age 6. Before that I was afraid of goats and ganders.
Oh I miss you! Glad to hear you are "trucking along." Anyone who has had a baby can completely understand what you are going through. And you are right, the fact that he/she's doing OK is the most important part! It'll be so worth it!
I'm so excited for you guys. I always tell everyone that all the peeing/ nighttime interruptions/ moodiness/ tiredness is just training for after the baby comes so it's not such a shock to your world...I don't know if that's really true or not. Anyway, enjoy all the great "free" time you and Daryl have together right now!
Thanks for your thoughts on this Lauren!
I did get your comment, very affirming and encouraging. Sometimes the hardest part is to let go and trust God that He is in control.
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