Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Another day in the life of the Reynolds...

We have been having more and more fun with Anna Grace as she has begun smiling and trying to communicate (just cooing, etc) and as mommy is learning things like stay home more, take naps, and accept help!

But don't be fooled, we certainly don't have things all together. Let us give you another picture of any given moment in the Reynold's home...

This is our precious one just starting to cry! We like to call her the little raptor because when she gets real mad she lets out these rapid fire yells :) My mom has a friend who thinks that it's a little mean to call her a raptor and that she sounds more like a little lamb, but Daryl and I agree this woman is merely confused and slightly out of touch with reality, bless her heart.

I have learned to deal with her crying more and we are beginning to be able to discern cries although there are still times when we look at each other and just shrug...we have no idea...

To help me cope, I looked up my Biblical responsibilities as my parent again because I needed a refresher. The only specific things I came up with were 1) to love her (the like/delight in kind of love), Titus 2:4, and 2) to reprove her when necessary and to train her, Proverbs 29. Ephesians 6:4 where it says not to exasperate your children (i.e. provoke them to anger) is referring to fathers, so when I took the picture to the left when Anna was apparently done with pictures, I figure I was doing no harm - hee hee. Just kidding. That was my last shot.

In all seriousness though, this motherhood thing has been much harder than I expected - especially when I'm lacking sleep! Anna also is having some reflux issues which means she is more fussy than I thought she would be (although infant Zantac has helped) and has more issues with eating than I expected. While my "trial" isn't much of a "trial" when you compare them to some of my friends trials or other peoples trials, it was still a trial to me that was tempting me to grow depressed at times, especially when I was trying to do things in my own stregnth and not looking to God for help and for hope (I will one day get more sleep, I will one day be able to go in public more often, I will one day enjoy more time again with Daryl...)

The biggest encouragement I received was a verse that God literally brought to me directly in four different sittings - once through a book I was reading, once in my quiet times, once in a card Daryl gave me, and once I heard spoken...

"Fear not, for I am with you;
Do not be dismayed, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

- Isaiah 41:10

How thankful I am that God loves to comfort His people and does not leave us to ourselves. Anna's thankful, too :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Five Things

I got this from many blogs :)

Dislcaimer: I have to confess this is hard for me because I'm way to analytical - is there really anything I can't live without? And regarding question 5, I don't really like that one because thousands upon thousands have impacted my life positively and I don't want to leave anyone out, but it forces me too (much like bridesmaids). So I'll put 5 people, but if you aren't on there and I know you, I can GUARANTEE you that you have impacted me positively in some way and that I can tell you how if you ask without even having to think very hard!

I digress...onto the survey...

1. 5 things under $5 that I couldn't live without

Mister Clean wipes (thanks for the idea, Ash)
Thank you cards
Water - hey, I guess I couldn't live without that

2. 5 favorite movies

Pride and Prejudice
The Count of Monte Cristo
Sense & Sensibility

3. 5 baby names I love


4. 5 songs I could listen to over and over again

In Christ Alone
Oh, How Marvelous (the new version)
Jesus, Thank You (Sovereign Grace Worship)
You're My Better Half
Tender Mercies (Enter the worship circle)

5. 5 people who have influenced me in a positive way

My family
The Campbell's
Andrea Raines
Bethany Teter

6. 5 things that are always in my purse (okay, maybe not always, but usually)

cell phone
some type of lip stuff

7. 5 moments that have changed my life forever

When Becky Coburn needed help hanging posters at BHS
Meeting Ben Tuel (how I got into YL/got interested in youth ministry/made morgantown connections)
When I broke up with Josh after college (how I got to Morgantown!)
Kingsfest (where I got to know Daryl)
The night Anna was conceived :) (hey, you wanted to know)

8. 5 obsessions I have now

Hanging out with my husband
Quiet times
Worship music
Working out (although I haven't gotten back into normal routine quite yet :)
Singing to Anna

9. 5 places I would like to go

To bed for more than 2.5 hours
The Europe Tour - Scotland, Ireland, London, etc
Almost any beach
Knoxville, TN - mainly to visit Bethany
Boston and to visit the Outterson's while we're at it

10. 5 appliances or kitchen tools I cannot live without

toaster oven
ice maker
hot pads
rubber spatulas
measuring cups

11. 5 people whose top 5's I would like to see

Sarah Burgess
Lorrie Young
Steph B
My husbands

Monday, May 12, 2008

Proper perspectives

For those of you wanting an update on baby - she is cuter than ever! She is constantly changing and we love her! She is spending more awake time after feedings during the day and is less fussy - perhaps it is dairy??? We'll see when we slowly re-introduce it. This is actually a picture from last week, but I haven't loaded the other ones on our computer yet :)

In other news, God has been so gracious to give me time daily for showers (Anna loves to sit in her bouncer seat and listen to the water) and for time in His Word the past couple of weeks. He truly is the only source of true refreshment and I've learned that other things can go before that (i.e. the dishes, my toe nails, etc).

This week I was convicted by a quote from Asaph in Psalm 73:25. It says, "Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth I desire beside you." This is interesting when he started his psalm confessing his envy of the prosperity of the wicked.

Jerry Bridges commented on Asaph's psalm that he learned that true contentment and the only way to out root envy and jealousy in our hearts is to be content in God. I so often mix up the whole being content IN GOD with being content IN WHAT GOD GIVES ME. Semantics maybe, but there's a huge difference there. 1 Timothy 6:17 says, "As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, BUT ON GOD, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy."

God gives us much to enjoy - relationships, material possessions, relaxation, beauty, etc, but He is the ultimate joy. Romans 1:25 says that people "...worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator..." May we not be guilty of doing the same.

For me that means being grateful for everything God's given me and giving Him thanks, but not basing the level of my gratitude based on what I do or don't have or finding my contentment and satisfaction in those things. My contentment can be found IN Him and that will make all the difference. No need to envy anymore because it's not a comparison of stuff or circumstances. No wonder Paul keeps reminding us to keep our focus on God! It's so easy to get focused on all the "stuff" down here.

May your heart rest content in Him today!!!

Oh - and happy belated mother's day to all you mom's out there :)

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


Life has gotten more routine for us in the Reynold's household and Anna and mommy have been getting out more and more. Daryl and I even took a date last week without her!

However, we have been having troubles with an inconsolable baby at times and it seems to be tummy related. At first I thought she was just fussy, not wanting to sleep during the day time, but now it is more consistently after certain feedings of the day - she'll arch her little back and then pull up her knees and scream. It will pass, but then return - much like cramps.

Poor little thing! Sometimes simethicone drops seem to work, but sometimes not. We are trying to limit certain things in my diet but since the beginning I was already avoiding the large triggers - broccoli, onions, cauliflower, lots of dairy, caffeine, etc. Now I'm trying to avoid dairy completely to see if that helps. We'll see. It's frustrating being afraid to eat anything at all for fear it will make her more uncomfortable, but also knowing I have to stay nourished for my own sanity and to nourish her.

She has brought us so many moments of great joy. It is with pride I take her around with me and with joy I hold her on my chest when she sleeps. I love how she now focuses so alertly on our faces and looks so intently at me when I sing to her. I love her cute little faces and standing over the crib at night when she inadvertently smiles.

And yet I hate hearing her groan and grunt and strain over the monitor as she sleeps, indicating she's not feeling so well. I hate when she screams and screams and nothing comforts her. I hate watching her contort in pain. While it's made me love her more and be more compassionate to her, it is hard to watch your child be in such discomfort. I suppose this will only get worse as time goes by and boys break her heart and friends tease her for her long toes :)

So our baby may be developing colic. She may be allergic to something. Or perhaps it's just a short term issue - like a stomach bug. Regardless, last night while we prayed for her Daryl thanked God for His Sovereignty and I was struck at how quickly I forget - He is in control and He is good.

Today as I tried to soothe our baby, this song by Nicole Nordeman brought me to tears with gratefulness at yet another gentle reminder that He is in control and loving us...

When the sun starts to rise
You are good, so good
In the heat of the day with each stone that I lay
You are so good

When the road starts to turn around each bend I've learned
you are good, so good
When somebodies hand holds me up, helps me stand
you are so good

With every breath I take in I'll tell you I'm grateful again

Cause it's more than enough just to know I am loved (and anna is loved!)
and you are good

So how can I thank you
What can I bring
What can these poor hands lay at the feet of a king
I'll sing you a love song
It's all that I have
To tell you I'm grateful
For holding my life in your hands

When it's dark and it's cold
and I can't feel my soul
You are good, so good
When the world has gone grey
and the rain is here to stay
You are still good

And the storm may swell
Even then it is well
And you are good

How can I thank you
What can I bring
What can these poor hands
Lay at the feet of a King?

So I'll sing you this love song
It's all that I have
To tell you I'm grateful
For holding my life in your hands
You're holding my life in your hands

God sees and knows and He is good. How thankful I am to not be going through this alone!

Isaiah 41:10, "Be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

If you think of it, feel free to pray for wisdom and grace for us and of course healing for our little baby. We need His help so much! :)