Tuesday, December 16, 2008

sleep troubles

So...since Anna turned 6 months (about then) we have begun to have sleep issues with Anna. It began with the emergence of her first tooth, which was followed by her first cold, which was followed by a busy Thanksgiving, and has since then remained crappy. I believe she grew accustomed to me going and comforting her and there were many times I should have probably let her cry more.

I often feel like I am unsure of the cause though, and other times, knowing that Daryl could use the sleep to teach well in the morning has motivated me to just go and stop the crying.

Now Daryl is on a break from teaching, although he is working from home so last night we decided to try and let her CIO. After 50 minutes, I caved. She was immediately thrilled to see me, just wanted to latch on for a second, and then went to sleep. She woke up two other times in the night.

I feel completely defeated. We're going to try again - only this time with the aide of a video monitor and hopefully it will work - but I am open for advice, suggestions, and encouragement. I feel like we are back at square one only worse! It is affecting her naps, affecting her mood, affecting my mood, my productivity, and my ability to love and enjoy my family. Not to mention I'm afraid if I'm not consistent now, we're just setting ground for more rebellion later.

I know in my head that God's grace is sufficient, but I'm having a hard time, so I would love some ideas and encouragement and even your prayers :) I think I'll be calling the pediatrician in the morning to get some advice from him as well, and make sure there aren't any other problems with Anna.



Jarod Blaney said...

Advice = earplugs!

Just kidding. Maybe she could stay over with us one night over the holidays so you guys can enjoy a nice night of sleep.

Do you think the darkness scares her when she is awake...maybe if there was a nightlight so she could see her mobile or something...

Just a thought. Not a parent!:)

Jarod Blaney said...

That was my post...somehow it linked me to an old blog name.

RETrends...how dorky.

Kadie B said...

Here are some ideas/thoughts.. I dont have kids (as you know) so I have no idea whether or not they would work :)
1) Now that Daryl is avaialable, have him try going in a few time with a bottle. That should give you some perspective on whether or not she just wants you..
2) does she do this when she stays at your parents house?
3) Try playing music in her room
4) do you have a routine every night? some way for her to know it's bed time and not nap time?
5) you could come in and sooth her but not pick her up. maybe rub her back or something

Here's a link that I found online that you may be interested in...


As Jarod said, we would love to watch her for you guys anytime - it's no problem at all! We will be praying for you guys..

Ash said...

hi friend!!
I'm not sure if you're keen for comfort items, but Seth is always a champion with a paci and a snuggly (you can get them from target...it's like a small silkie/fuzzy blanket w/ a head-- too small for suffocation). But really, that's just what works for us.... so sorry to hear what's going on! bummer.

Steph B. said...

This is a hard thing to deal with, not knowing why they are crying and what is best for her. Been there. I know that it's hard to hear them cry it out, and sometimes it does take a long time for them wear themeselves out, but I would say, to keep trying while Daryl isn't teaching. I would 1. let her cry (this is out of love) or 2. When she starts fussing, go in and lay her back down and tell her night night don't cuddle or really talk to her, she will start to understand when to sleep. Like I said I know this may seem like you are being harsh, but Like we say "nip it in the butt now, so you don't have to deal with a bigger issue in that area later" She isn't too young even though we may think so. I had to deal with that when it came to the boys. I don't know if this will help! I am praying :) Been there..so I understand :) Lean on the Lord... he is there to help too:)

young wife&mom said...

call me at a convienent time for you and i will give you my advice:)
which could or could not be useful.
in the mean time i will pray for you..i know it can be tough..hang in there.

Unknown said...

Lauren, Anna's behavior is totally consistent with what we have experienced twice here in the Hall house. My best advise is to get up, let her nurse ( I assume that's what she wants). and watch a little TV Land while you're at it- this always has made my night feeding better:). Simon still gets up at least once sometimes twice. My motto- A crying child is a child in need

Unknown said...

Hey let her cio over a weekend, and by tuesday you will see huge results. Brayden did the same when his first tooth came it it was aweful. Trust me the first night is an hour then 30 min then 10 and soon she will stop. Try not to BF her she will just wake up to nurse. hope this helps. natalie