Sunday, December 23, 2007


This Christmas season we're in Texas enjoying our family (and while there is no snow like in the picture above, it is 30 degrees here this morning). Unfortunately when your traveling from house to house, awoken to the sounds of our nieces and nephews sweet little feet shuffling around, and surrounded by people you haven't seen in months, it makes slipping a way to a quiet place and communing with God more difficult than usual.

I can usually sense when I'm pretty disconnected thanks to the Holy Spirit's gracious work in my life, and yesterday I told Daryl I had to have an hour to myself for a quiet time before going anywhere else! We closed the door to our room and God gently and kindly revealed some areas of my heart that I should be aware of.

I was reading in Luke 12 where Jesus is telling his disicples not to worry about what they'll eat or wear because He'll take care of their needs, but, "Instead, seek his kingdom," and to "Fear not...for it is you Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destorys. For where your treasure is, there your heart is also" (Luke 12:31-34).

I was convicted because it seems this holiday season, even though I've had good intentions, I've allowed my heart to plant itself right in the midst of a bunch of good things, but certainly not the best thing. While enjoying our families, giving and receiving presents, and relaxing are certainly gifts God gives us to enjoy, enjoying them for themselves only without it connecting us more to our Maker isn't good. In fact, I enjoy them much less when I'm not connected to and loving Christ first.

So for the rest of our visit it is my aim to "seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God," and to, "Set [my mind] on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For [I] have died, and [my] life is hidden with Christ in God" (Colossians 3:1-2).

I pray the same for you. For it is in Him that we truly have life.

Merry Christmas.


Chris and Meg said...

Hey girl, So, I'm justing getting on here for the first time in almost 2 months. How's that baby of yours? Is she starting to kick yet? Hope you had a great Christmas!!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Lauren !