Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Keeping Busy

I remember a few weeks ago as I was talking on the phone while unloading the dishwasher while waiting for my spaghetti sauce to simmer that thinking in my head, "I am always busy."

At first I thought, "I must need to cut something out." Very quickly though the passage from Titus 2 came to mind (most likely via the Holy Spirit), "3Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God."

It was like the lightbulb finally came on in my head! I AM supposed to be busy! The issue is not whether or not I use my time, but how I use it!

1 Timothy 5 and in 2 Thessalonians 3 Paul encourages us to be busy because if not, we become idle, and when we become idle, we often become busy-bodies, gossiping and slandering. He encourages those people to get on the stick! Start working, start managing your homes, etc. He also says that when we become idle, busy-body-ing gossips (haha) we "have given the enemy opportunity for slander" (1 Timothy 5:14) and that some women even end up following Satan (1 Timothy 5:15) which correlates with 2 Timothy 2:16 which says that we should "avoid godless chatter because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly."

Wow! It says when we don't stay busy, we can easily become gossips and basically join up forces with Satan. Who wants to do that?!

My friend (okay so he doesn't know me, but Daryl and I watch/listen to some of his stuff) Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church says it like this, "A woman who is a gossip and a busy body is working for Satan...You have a husband, you have kids, you have a home, you have things to do. Stay busy."

Now I know that being married isn't always God's plan for everyone or for all seasons. I believe that a woman's time of singleness (however long God ordains it) can be EXTREMELY awesome and an excellent time of service for the Kingdom of God (and Paul even talks about that in Corinthians). I also believe that having meaningful friendships and finding appropriate rest and leisure are good (other verses on this as well).

But my point is that all of us ladies need to be careful to stay busy - either serving, volunteering, cleaning our kitchens, changing diapers, etc, because the lure of Satan to keep us from adorning the gospel is huge otherwise. Let's quit complaining or being so scared of being busy about the things we're supposed to be busy about! Let's just get busy being busy about the right things!

For those of you who love pictures, here are some pictures of Anna and I, staying busy...well...mostly busy :)

learning about boys

carving her first pumpkin

family portrait

The Blaney clan and their pumpkins :)

learning to enjoy all sorts of cuisine...

resting and leisuring :)


Anonymous said...

So glad you and Anna came to our party. I also love this post. I think a lot of times people forget that we are to be busy. We are, after all "His workmanship" created to do "His work"...sounds like busyness to me!

young wife&mom said...

i've got this one covered! ha.
hey love the guys are so cute!

Ash said...

a little sock monkey!!! Who is that baby next to Anna? WHAT A PRECIOUS COSTUME! ps- great post, as well :)

Lauren said...

that's Simon Hall! He and Anna were co-eating her costume after loosing interest in the festivities of the evening :)

Anonymous said...

AMEN! Well, I don't have the husband or the kids. BUT I have sacrificed my spare time on the altar of teaching. It's amazing how little your mind can wonder when you are busy in a positive way. I hear a stack of essays calling my name *sigh*
Looks like you're having fun amidst business!

Unknown said...

Good post, good thoughts! Anna is so stinking cute!!!!

Andrea said...

Loved the post, Lauren. Looks like you are thoroughly enjoying motherhood :) Your family is absolutely adorable! Jamie and I are so going to carve a pumpkin family next year with our TWO kids :)

The Royal Garcias said...

love this post. so many times women (and am guilty of this myself) complain about their busy-ness-instead we should be thankful for God's gift to us of work!