Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Loving Anna

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is found in Titus 2, verses 1-10. These verses are some of my favorites because I love having clarity about what I'm supposed to be doing, and they offer that clarity.

The verse that is burning in my heart and on my mind today is verse 4 where I am reminded to LOVE my husband and child. The book Feminine Appeal by Carolyn Mahaney expounds on the word love in that verse by saying,

"The form of the Greek in which the New Testament was written employs at least five words to distinguish various kinds of love. The word for love used in Titus 2:4 is phileo. The word describes the love between very close friends. It is a tender, affectionate, passionate kind of love. It emphasizes enjoyment and respect in a relationship" (32).

I am not supposed to just love Anna by feeding her, changing her diaper, making sure she is warm, and just in general senses be her mother, I am supposed to ENJOY her! Just being around her should be a sheer delight to me!

I confess there are times when I would love a break to read a book or have a day to sleep in, but God has been exceedingly gracious to provide me with wisdom that I am to enjoy and delight in her and He has fulfilled His promise to give ME joy when I do so. Daryl often comments that he hears Anna and I laughing together downstairs while he is working and that it brings him joy, too!

My prayer is that I will seize every opportunity I have to love Anna well. I won't always have such a sweet little bundle calling for me when she's sick in the night, or needing me to wash beneath her arms, or button up her coat. One day, Lord willing, as we grow older there will be no more diapers to change of hers or sleepers to wash; no more drool spots to mop up or toys to reshelve. So for now I will do my best to rely on the Spirit to fill me with joy in doing those things because the house will soon enough be clean and quiet and she will have her own home.

Bottom line - if you have kids, enjoy them. Delight in them. And in doing so fulfill Titus 2 and adorn the gospel of grace by which you have been saved and showcase the love and joy of our magnificent Father to the rest of the world.

Here's some of Anna's "I-know-I'm-being-enjoyed-and-I-love-it" faces :)


Anonymous said...

It is amazing how quickly the time passes too. Anna is so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

.........You are well on your way to becoming a wonderful and blessed mother...Blessed to have be given a child, blessed to have been given the opportunity to share your life with that child, and blessed to have been given the chance to mold her and shape her into a fruitful child of God.

young wife&mom said...

always a good reminder. thank you Lauren for sharing.