Friday, July 20, 2007

New puppy GIVEAWAY

Hey guys,

We bought a dacshund because they look so much like doberman's - colorwise anyways. Unfortunately he and Simon don't get along very well. Simon seems afraid of him. We can't figure it out - Simon's way bigger and the little guys is just so endearing.

I know I'm always trying to get rid of pets on here, but, want him? We don't like to see Simon so stressed out.

Hee hee.

I got that picture from an e-mail a long time ago. It cracks me up every time I stumble across it. For those of you who know Lauren Byrer, make sure you show it to her - it's her favorite ;)

1 comment:

Kara Beth said...

"we bought a dacshund because they look so much like dobermans" had me a little concerned there for a moment.