Monday, May 12, 2008

Proper perspectives

For those of you wanting an update on baby - she is cuter than ever! She is constantly changing and we love her! She is spending more awake time after feedings during the day and is less fussy - perhaps it is dairy??? We'll see when we slowly re-introduce it. This is actually a picture from last week, but I haven't loaded the other ones on our computer yet :)

In other news, God has been so gracious to give me time daily for showers (Anna loves to sit in her bouncer seat and listen to the water) and for time in His Word the past couple of weeks. He truly is the only source of true refreshment and I've learned that other things can go before that (i.e. the dishes, my toe nails, etc).

This week I was convicted by a quote from Asaph in Psalm 73:25. It says, "Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth I desire beside you." This is interesting when he started his psalm confessing his envy of the prosperity of the wicked.

Jerry Bridges commented on Asaph's psalm that he learned that true contentment and the only way to out root envy and jealousy in our hearts is to be content in God. I so often mix up the whole being content IN GOD with being content IN WHAT GOD GIVES ME. Semantics maybe, but there's a huge difference there. 1 Timothy 6:17 says, "As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, BUT ON GOD, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy."

God gives us much to enjoy - relationships, material possessions, relaxation, beauty, etc, but He is the ultimate joy. Romans 1:25 says that people "...worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator..." May we not be guilty of doing the same.

For me that means being grateful for everything God's given me and giving Him thanks, but not basing the level of my gratitude based on what I do or don't have or finding my contentment and satisfaction in those things. My contentment can be found IN Him and that will make all the difference. No need to envy anymore because it's not a comparison of stuff or circumstances. No wonder Paul keeps reminding us to keep our focus on God! It's so easy to get focused on all the "stuff" down here.

May your heart rest content in Him today!!!

Oh - and happy belated mother's day to all you mom's out there :)


young wife&mom said...

wonderful blog..and you both look so sweet.

Steph B. said...

So adorable..... :)

thank you for the wonderful reminder!!!

Nathan & Sarah said...

you look and Anna look absolutely beautiful! I'm glad things are starting to look up.
love ya

Baby Hancock said...

You look BEAUTIFUL!!! :-)

Chris and Meg said...

Oh, Lauren you look incredible!! Motherhood is really agreeing with you. You'll have to check out a couple of my pictures. I went to Ann's wedding on Saturday.